5 Common Skin Diseases Affected by Adults

Many consider people with skin diseases are people who are less able to maintain cleanliness of the body. This assumption makes them, especially adults, who have skin diseases feel ashamed and tend to hide the disease. This is an obstacle to the healing of sufferers of skin diseases. Many skin diseases that infect limbs are easily visible to others. Those who are around sufferers can then give an unpleasant reaction. In the end, this will add psychological burden to sufferers of skin diseases.

Skin diseases that often occur in adults

Actually, the negative assumption from the surrounding community is more due to the lack of information about skin diseases suffered by adults. Though some of them are common disorders suffered by adults. Check out the explanation of skin diseases in adults below.


One of the common skin diseases affecting adults is shingles. This disease can occur in adults who have a history of previous chickenpox. One sign of this disease is the appearance of a small, uneven rash that can blister. Skin infected with this disease will feel sore, itchy, or very sensitive. The area most often suffering from shingles is the body or buttocks. Even so, it is still possible that this disease can appear in any part of the body. One sign of this disease is the appearance of a small, uneven rash that can blister. Skin infected with this disease will feel sore, itchy, or very sensitive. The area most often suffering from shingles is the body or buttocks. Even so, it is still possible that this disease can appear in any part of the body. In general, a person will get this skin disease for about two weeks. Even so, pain, numbness, and itching may still be felt for a longer time, ranging from months to a lifetime. Therefore, it is important to treat this condition early so that the pain that is felt does not persist. Treatment of shingles, can be done by administering antiviral drugs, corticosteroids, or antidepressants as prescribed by a doctor.


Another common skin disease suffered is urticaria, also known as biduran. The characteristics of this disease are usually marked by the appearance of itching, wounds, or irritating rashes. This skin disorder may appear in one part of the body or can be spread over a wider area of ​​the body. Usually, urticaria will recover in a few days even without undergoing treatment. Antihistamines may be needed, especially when itching makes the sufferer feel uncomfortable. If the symptoms that arise from urticaria do not disappear within more than 48 hours, contacting a doctor is the recommended step to do.


Adults are also often exposed to skin diseases in the form of scaly red patches commonly referred to as psoriasis. These patches generally appear in the area of ​​the elbows, knees, and lower back. This disease can cause itching or pain in the affected skin. Although some adults feel the effects of psoriasis are not significant, but some other sufferers consider this skin disease to interfere with their activities. This disease can last a lifetime and recur. These patches generally appear in the area of ​​the elbows, knees, and lower back. This disease can cause itching or pain in the affected skin. Although some adults feel the effects of psoriasis are not significant, but some other sufferers consider this skin disease to interfere with their activities. This disease can last a lifetime and recur. To relieve the symptoms that arise, some treatments that can be done are by giving creams or ointments that contain corticosteroids, salicylic acid, and vitamin D, immune system suppressing drugs such as methotrexate and cyclosporin given by injection or taken by mouth, routinely using moisturizers, up to with light therapy. If psoriasis often recurs or gets worse, then this skin disease needs to be immediately examined and treated by a dermatologist.


Another skin disease that is often suffered by adults is eczema. Eczema is a skin disorder characterized by the appearance of patches that are inflamed and cause itching. This condition is also commonly known as atopic dermatitis. Usually, this condition attacks the elbow and knee folds of teenagers or adults. The cause of this skin disease is not yet fully known, but it is strongly suspected that this is related to an overactive immune system and heredity. So far there is no cure for eczema, but treatment aims to reduce symptoms. To reduce symptoms, eczema sufferers need to know what triggers and as much as possible to avoid these triggers, use drugs to reduce itching according to doctor's prescription, avoid scratching to prevent wounds and infections, and use light therapy.


Rosacea is a skin disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the facial area. The inflammation can be:
  • Facial skin is red, dry, and scaly.
  • Widened blood vessels.
  • Small lumps (papules).
  • Small spots filled with pus (pustules) like acne.
  • Excessive appearance of connective tissue in the nose.
The appearance of inflammation in the skin of patients with rosacea is still not clear what causes it. However, it is thought to be related to genetic factors, bacterial infections, lice, to excessive immune reactions due to allergies. To control the symptoms, the doctor will usually give topical medication (topical) or oral medication in the form of isotretinoin and antibiotics. Patients with rosacea are also advised to avoid ballast symptoms, stay away from the sun and routinely use a moisturizer, and sunscreen when active in the hot sun. The row of skin diseases can be managed properly through the help of a doctor. Some of these skin diseases can improve on their own, but there are also those that can persist and often recur if left untreated. So, do not underestimate any skin disease suffered. Give first aid if deemed mild, but consult a dermatologist immediately if the skin condition is getting worse.


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