Antisocial Personality Is Not As Simple As Thought

Antisocial is a term to describe a personality disorder in which there is a deviation of behavior from the norms, which continues to be done from time to time, and leads to actions that have the potential to endanger himself or others. In more popular terms, antisocial is known by another name as a psychopath or sociopath. People with antisocial personalities have several characteristics in their behavior and personality, such as often ignoring and violating the rights of others, do not have empathy or compassion for others, are not introspective, feel superior to others, and are manipulative. Someone can be categorized as having this kind of disorder after being over 18 years. However, labeling antisocial personality disorder is given only if symptoms have appeared before they are 15 years old. Keep in mind, antisocial personality disorder is not caused by other mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or the effects of illegal drugs.

Why Can Someone Be Antisocial?

A person's personality traits are generally determined by a combination of emotions, thought patterns, and behavior. To find out why someone suffering from antisocial personality disorder is not easy. Because, the cause of the disorder is often influenced by various factors, such as genetic factors and interactions in the environment, as well as wrong parenting. Another thing that influences the emergence of antisocial personality is the way a person sees, understands, and relates to the outside world. How a person understands himself is equally important. In addition, personality factors during childhood that are formed both genetically and as a result of environmental influences, also influence. In other words, the exact cause of antisocial personality disorder is not known with certainty. The experts only concluded that there is a genetic influence that makes a person vulnerable to suffer from this personality disorder. In addition, abnormalities in brain function in certain parts are also thought to play a role in causing a person to be antisocial. Some risk factors that might cause antisocial attitudes, namely:
  • Skipping childhood by being abandoned or exploited.
  • Come from a family that has antisocial personality disorder, other personality disorder, or mental disorder.
  • Have a history of behavioral disorders in his childhood.
  • Childhood was in a family environment that was not harmonious or often the victim of acts of violence.

Can Antisocial Be Cured?

Given the many factors that might shape antisocial personality, the question arises whether this behavior disorder can be cured? Curing this disorder is certainly not easy. Until now there has been no drug or specific therapeutic method that can cure people with antisocial personality disorder. The step of handling antisocial personality disorder aims to prevent behaviors or actions that can endanger others or themselves, and encourage and guide antisocial sufferers to live well in society. The treatment can be in the form of behavioral therapy or psychotherapy, whether done individually or in groups. While treatment with special medicines, it is not certain. If certain symptoms of mental and emotional disturbances are found, such as anxiety, difficulty in suppressing emotions or the urge to do something that is not good, then your doctor may give you mood stabilizers, tranquilizers, or antipsychotics. Because healing is relatively complex, people around people with antisocial personality disorder should also provide support. One thing that is key to handling antisocial personality is routinely consulting with psychiatrists. It is indeed not able to cure sufferers from antisocial disorders, but the skills taught can help sufferers to understand their condition, so they can protect themselves and prevent them from doing harmful things.


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