How to Select a Hair Connection and Use It

Although hair extensions can make you look a little different, do not wear hair connections carelessly. You need to know how to choose the right hair connection including how to use and care properly. For owners of short or thin hair, the use of hair extensions or hair extensions can be a solution to get long and thick hair instantly. However, there are ways to choose a connection hair that must be considered. If the wrong choice, the problem of hair loss to scalp irritation can be experienced.

How to Choose a Hair Connection

How to choose the first connection hair is to adjust to the needs. If you want to use temporary hair for a while, you can use permanent hair that is not permanent or can be removable. However, still be careful in using it. Hair extensions can damage hair and cause hair to break. For permanent connection hair use, you need to be aware of possible scalp irritation. In addition, stress on real hair has the potential to cause hair damage and make it easy to fall out, and can even cause baldness. The way to choose a second hair that should not be ignored is related to the material of the hair you choose. There are two types of connection hair ingredients that are commonly found, namely synthetic hair and natural human hair. Both types of connection hair material have advantages and disadvantages. Hair extensions made from natural human hair tend to be priced more expensive. But in terms of quality, natural human hair looks more natural when worn.

Consider This Before Using Hair Connections

After you know how to choose the connection hair, the next thing to consider is about how to install it. Make sure the installation of the connection hair does not damage the real hair you have. The installation process must be done properly so that the original hair is not pulled or fall out. Before the installation process, make sure that the hair is clean and healthy. Hair that is dirty or contains chemicals may cause dry, flaky and itchy scalp. In addition to the condition of the hair, consider also the cleanliness of the scalp before installation is done. Make sure the scalp is not allergic to hair extensions or other ingredients used in the installation process. Finally, avoid using hair connections that are too tight. Not only does it cause headaches, but it can also cause hair loss. In addition to knowing how to choose a connection hair and how to install it, also know how to care for the right connection hair. You are advised to regularly wash your hair at least once a week to keep your scalp healthy. Also, avoid using continuous hair extensions. Let the hair rest so that the hair stays healthy.


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